International Nurses Days was celebrated on 12th of May 2016. This years theme was " Nurses: A force of change, inproving health systems. The celebrations included address by Mrs Bismisslah (Chief Nursing Superintendant FIC), Dr. Qais Mahood (Medical Superintendent FIC) and Prof. Anjum Jalal (Executive Director FIC). Mrs Bismillah highlighted the importance of nurses in the patient cae and emphasized on the observing the basic principles of nursing care. Dr. Qais described the history of International Nuurses Day and appreciated the quality of nursing care at FIC. Prof. Anjum Jalal, in his address, epressed his satisfaction that the profession of Nursing is making steady progress in Pakistan. He said it is quite re-assuring that better educated and motivated young girls are joing this profession and their interest in this challenging profession is sign that we as a nation has a bright future in the international community of civilized nations. He said that the nurses working in the Rural Health Centers and secondary care hospitals in remote areas are true heros of this society and the nation must acknowledge their contribution. He stressed upon the need continuous education programs and encouraged the nurses to spend their free time in studying the latest literature available in the library of FIC
The meeting ended after cutting the cake specially prepared for this occassion.