Consisting of 10 OPD clinics which are providing service to around 800-1000 patients per day and the Cardiac patients are being treated after complete check up. Its location is lofty, and well lighted at every point, and affords comfortable seating accommodation for the patients in order to avoid any inconvenience on part of the hospital administration.The Out Patient Department's Philosophy is to provide a friendly but efficient service, which should minimize the patients wait for consultation, treatment or investigations. The out patient team of FIC is working hard to set a clear standard, resulting in achieving continuous improvement in the patient experience at FIC by providing:
Free of cost medical checkup in the clinics.
Routine cardiac medicines are being provided to patients free of cost.
"One-stop" diagnostic services, including laboratory, radiology and pre-admission testing procedures.
Consisting of 10 OPD clinics which are providing service to around 800-1000 patients per day. The OPD is located on the groiund floor and has a very impressive central lobby which is used as waiting area for the patients. This area has great ambience due to its high level ceiling and natural light. For that very reason this area maintains a nonsuffocating and pleasing environment despite very high patient turn over on daily basis. The Out Patient Department's Philosophy is to provide a friendly but efficient service, which should minimize the patients wait for consultation, treatment or investigations. The out patient team of FIC is working hard to set a clear standard, resulting in achieving continuous improvement in the patient experience at FIC by providing:
New Patient
Screening slip generation from Reception with allotment of Room For checkup (Slip Time from 8:00 AM to 12.30PM)
ECG of the patient should be done
Medical Office to make preliminary assesment regarding the Cardiac Or Non Cardiac status of illness
In Case of Cardiac illness the Patient gets hospital regestration and the trearment and further investigations are initiated.
Those patients who need indoor diagnostic or treatment procedures undergo financial evaluation by the Patient Categorization Department. The payement category of the patient is determined for payment of hospital charges.
The patients are given appointments for further procedures accordingly.
OLD Patient
Slip Generation (Slip Time from 8:00 AM to 12.30PM)
Free of cost medical checkup in the clinics and medicine recomendation on checkup slip
Routine cardiac drugs are being provided to needy patients free of cost.
"One-stop" diagnostic services, including laboratory, radiology and pre-admission testing procedures.